Vista Joins ITRC Teams

Vista joins ITRC Teams

Vista is a member of ITRC Industry Affiliates Program (IAP). We are always looking to be a key force in improving the use of innovative environmental technologies and processes. Associated teams are:

Implementing the Use of Advanced Site Characterizations Tools

Project: A number of advanced site characterization tools, which greatly expand the ability to understand contaminant concentration and mass, as well as increase the ability to understand the stratigraphy of the contaminated media (soil, rock), are available but underutilized. These tools can be broadly classified into analytical tools and geophysical tools. While some of these tools, as well as the core principles underlying newer variations of such tools, have been in existence for several years, advances in computing and supporting technologies have vastly improved data analysis, presentation, and user experience. The goal of this project is to meld existing guidance, primary literature, vendor literature and personal experience, illustrated by projects from the states, into a practical guide on the selection and application of advanced site characterization tools. The team will
address the selection, application, and integration of the tools into the project life-cycle of site characterization, remediation, monitoring, and closure.

Optimizing In Situ Remediation Performance & Injection Strategies

Project: In situ (on site) reagent injection-based remediation technologies have advanced to mainstream acceptance and offer a competitive advantage over many forms of ex situ treatment of soil and groundwater. However, detailed site-specific injection based strategies are absolutely critical to the success of such in situ treatment remedies. In the interest of expedited and cost effective solutions, many in-situ projects have been executed based on an incomplete understanding of the hydrogeology, geology, and contaminant distribution and mass. Many sites have undergone multiple rounds of in situ injections and not advanced to closure. Better strategies and minimum design standards are required to decrease uncertainty and improve outcomes. To concisely summarize the issues surrounding the topic, the team will create a guidance document on optimizing injection-based remediation technologies. The document will discuss risks and limitations on these technologies, and how to address them to improve remedial success.