We have open positions for Entry & Senior Level Environmental Field Technicians (Geoprobe® Drill Rig Operators, Remediation (Injection) Technician, Direct Sensing Technician)
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Ask how our High Resolution Site Characterization services can improve your conceptual site model, and how our Clean-Inject Remediation Systems can get your sites to closure with precision reagent emplacement!
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Our clients speak volumes about our work. We value team work within and throughout the process.
With Experience...
...dating back to 1986, Vista GeoScience has evolved and now provides Advanced Site Characterization and Optimized Remediation solutions for our client’s most complex environmental project needs. Showing personal attention and having unique solutions to these special project needs, we use the most advanced technologies and methods as seen in our services.

Our systems generate real-time data posted to the cloud providing the fastest and most economical characterization of a site. Advanced site characterization technologies generate soil boring logs and 3D data with continuous high-resolution measurements of NAPL, dissolved and sorbed phase VOCs, and hydrostratigraphy. This allows characterization, placement of soil sample and monitoring locations, and treatment design, all in a single mobilization.
The Standard and Low-Level Membrane Interface probes (MiHPT and LL-MiHPT) can identify different compounds types utilizing three different chemical detectors. The Optical Imaging Profiler tools (OiHPT-UV and OiHPT-G) measure residual and mobile NAPL of different petroleum products. All of these systems include a Hydraulic Profile Tool (HPT) component to measures relative permeability, estimated hydraulic conductivity (K), and groundwater specific electrical conductance (SEC), to identify confining zones and permeable pathways. For compounds that cannot be detected (PFAS, 1,4-dioxane, etc.,) other versions of the HPT tools include groundwater profiling tools (HPT-GWP, HPT-GWS) that can collect discrete samples at high frequency intervals. Find out more here about our Advanced Site Characterization

Employing Geoprobe drill rigs in tandem with our suite of High-Resolution Site Characterization (HRSC) sensing instruments provides real-time data acquisition and analysis capabilities for your site.
Vista found out early on in the injection business that a wide variety of product types and site conditions requires a wide variety of injection system designs. Pump and mixing system design vary greatly depending on the volume required, injection pressures, corrosivity or reactivity of the product, viscosity, etc.. Therefore, we offer many types of pumps with pressure ratings ranging from 150 to 2000psi, and flow rates from 2 to 50 gallons per minute. Any number of portable mixing tanks can be arranged on support trucks and trailers, or setup on the site itself, depending on the access and logistical requirements at a given site. Our systems are designed to be flexible and can accommodate the varied site conditions and access issues we may encounter.
Find out more here about our In-Situ services

We offer a range of pumps with pressure ratings from 150 to 2000 psi and flow rates from 2 to 50 gallons per minute, complemented by adaptable mixing tank setups tailored to specific logistical requirements.
We have over 20 years’ experience conducting Tier-II landfill gas surveys at Class II/III Solid Waste Facility and SWMUs across the United States. We developed and perfected the tooling and methods required to sample and analyze NMOCs by EPA Method 25C (40-CFR60). Key staff has more than 30 years’ experience in sampling, soil gas testing, remediation, and laboratory analysis. Our expertise includes mapping and analysis of stray and fugitive gas in soil gas and ground water.
Find out more here about our Soil Sampling Systems.
For quality work, Vista carries Geoprobe® Dual-Technology as well as Limited Access Direct Push / Auger Rigs. Historically, having the best drilling technology on the market, Vista includes models 7822DT, 7730DT, 7720DT, 6610DT and, for limited access, our 54DT. All our rigs are rubber track mounted with wireless remote control.
Vista’s Optional 3D Modeling Reports provide not just a cool looking image or animation, but a complete detailed interpretive model and report in a power point presentation format. The model integrates all other site data with the HRSC response and includes:
- Surface Image and Elevation Model
- Groundwater Surface Elevation Model
- Isopeth Maps of PID/FID/XSD Maximum Concentration Values
- Hydrology/Hydrostratigraphy Models from HPT/EC/K Data
- LNAPL or DNAPL Isosurface Models show NAPL distribution
- PID/FID/XSD Response Isosurface or Point Cloud Models
- Monitor Wells and Confirmation Borings with Posted Data
We firmly believe that by working with our clients and vendors as a close nit team, we can provide the most efficient, profitable, and enjoyable results for everyone involved.
Educational Webinars
Vista GeoScience showcasing Advanced Site Characterization and Optimized In-Situ Remediation technologies, with related technologies provided by Guest Presenters.
"David and Peter were great to work with. They were safety-oriented, professional, experienced, and exceeded our expectations. This was my first experience with Vista, and I look forward to working with you again." - Jennifer M., Terracon
"They were extremely nice and extremely patient with me!
It was a pleasure working with them!" - Laurel A., CGRS
"Everything was great. We appreciate Jeff and the field staff's efforts and working with us
to complete our client's scope of work." - Martina L., Geosyntec Consultants
"This crew was professional and worked quickly and
efficiently to complete all the tasks we needed from them." - Lil B., CGRS
"Real happy with both guys professionalism and work ethic. Very well prepared and friendly.
Can't say enough good things." - Dave S., Advantage Environmental Consultants
"As always, you guys did a really great job for us.
Thank you so much for all the hard work!" - Mark W., CGRS
"The job was completed in half the estimated time, went smoothly and my field staff was really pleased
with all of Vista's crew." - Tarah W., CGRS
"Based on the HRSC data, we were able to trim off about $150,000
in contractor costs for injections." - D. Bonga, GHD
"Vista GeoScience are a Trusted Subcontractor for AEC! Just wanted to say thank you John Fontana and recommend Vista for your subsurface investigations in Colorado." - David S., AEC
"Fantastic crew, that was knowledgeable, professional and friendly."
- Steffan B., Brown & Caldwell